Common Questions
from Everyday People

F.A.Q. Frequently asked customer questions.

Are your soil products Organic?
Our Soil Products are formulated using only the finest ingredients.
Our Potting Soil contains Aged Wood Material (no green Waste), Ground Fir Bark, Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, Oak Leaf Mold, Perlite, and Sand.
I need to add soil to a planter bed where I am growing a vegetable garden. What should I use?
If you can blend and mix with your native soil, use our LGM Planting Mix & Mulch. If you have no native soil to mix with, then use our Potting Soil to raise soil levels
I have blueberries, azaleas and gardenias, which LGM products should I use?
These plants are acid (Lower pH) loving plants. For top dressing use LGM Oak Leaf Mold and for planting in the ground use our LGM Planting Mix and High-Quality Mulch. Or any of our Peat Moss products would work as well.
I want to plant a lawn from seed which LGM product should I use?
When planting a lawn from seeds we recommend you use LGM Success for Lawns. Coverage is one 2 cubic foot bag per 200 square feet.
What is the advantage of using LGM Cactus Mix?
When growing plants such as succulents, cactus, and aloes that require a lighter, well-draining soil LGM Cactus mix is your best choice. Also use for plants that require fast, well-draining soil such as avocados, citrus trees, and palms.
We are landscaping a large area. Are LGM Products available by the truckload in bulk?
Our most popular Soil Amendments are available in bulk. They are:
• LGM All Purpose Planting Mix and High-Quality Mulch
• LGM All Purpose Potting Soil
• LGM Cactus Mix
• LGM Success for Lawns
• LGM Shredded Cedar Mulch
The minimum order is 4 cubic yards or 108 cubic feet. A delivery charge will vary depending on the distance.

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